
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Everything in this game is so real.

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Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV

Editor's Review:

Grand Theft Auto IV is a remarkable GTA game with depth. Maybe you have already tried other GTA games, but this game is definitely different from other similar GTA games. You will come across so many characters with totally different and unique personalities. By interacting and communicating with them, you always come to see a different side of your life. These characters can help you reflect on the life that you are living in this world. Of course, this is not a perfect world and you will act as a killer in this world. As a cold-blooded killer, it is not the right time for you to show your compassionate side. You must be courageous and intelligent when you are dealing with those gangsters. Everything in this game is so real. All the places make you feel that you are living in the real world. If you would like to, you can even have dates with slutty girls. Life in this world is random and impulsive. But you need to think about the consequences. As the killer, you will have so many enemies. But in the meantime, you will enjoy the ultimate excitement. You need to be careful and never allow yourself to be manipulated by other gangsters. Everything is about profit and resources. So you must always preserve your energy to deal with your arch-enemy to get more profit. And you should always trust your instinct. There is no expedient answer to all your problems. In the fog of confusion, you should always trust your instinct. It would be a very bad idea for you to recklessly trust a stranger. To be careful, you should always check your hunches about danger. All the missions are quite risky. You should always make sure about which street is safe to walk and which street is not. And you should always check the car under the hood before you drive out of your home. Your safety is always your priority. It is not the right time for you to exert willpower with tenderness, especially if you are in danger. All the powerful weapons will strengthen your confidence. And you must make lots of friends with different personalities, resources, and special abilities. When you are in danger, some of your friends might be of assistance. It is not right to knowingly harm or create discord in this world. But sometimes, you have no other choice, but to commit different crimes, to achieve your purpose and make yourself stronger and emotionally stable. Ignorance will be your biggest enemy. To have a better life in this city of crime, you must always equip yourself with enough information. Once you understand a certain gangster or a certain evil boss, you will manage to conquer the fear of this evil gangster. And you should never deliberately misuse your power and your influence. Otherwise, you will be manipulated to serve your enemies' advantage. But some friends may bring seriously detrimental effects upon you. So when it comes to making friends, you should always be careful. But if you do make awesome friends, you should always try to bring benefits to these friends. So you will also get some backup when you are in dangerous situations. But most of the time, you are the only person who is held responsible for all the consequences. In the meantime, you need to expand your perceptions, which can help you know the truth behind all the weird or strange phenomena by analyzing different situations and by combining all the details. As long as you improve your perceptual intuition, you can just predict the true purpose of each gangster while you are interacting with this gangster. There are so many random things in this world. Sometimes, you may feel that you are living in a dream and you cannot predict what will happen in the next minute. And sometimes, there is just no time for you to figure out your true feelings about your new girlfriend or your new friends. But it is exactly this ambiguity that will motivate you to think about the meaning of your life in this world. You will have no right guidance in this world. It is quite normal for you to get suspicious from time to time because your life can be ruined by some unexpected accident or evil person. So becoming intimate with a girlfriend or other characters in this world will be an action of high risk. And all your actions and dialogues with different characters will always trigger different missions. So if you are an observant person, you will notice that it will help you accumulate more wealth by spending more time communicating or doing business with certain characters with specific traits and personalities. It is very important for you to always keep in mind the actual intentions of different encounters while you are dealing with them. If you come across a character who is a person of integrity, it is worthwhile for you to strengthen the bond with this character. In this world, honesty is not the best policy. You should always hold back your feelings and your impulse to trust someone without any hesitation. To figure out all the tricky situations and difficult problems, you should always detach yourself from your feelings towards different characters, which can help you objectively observe the actions and facial expressions of these characters. But this does not mean that you should always have this coldness toward yourself. Sometimes, you can just have fun and do lots of crazy things. There is no need for you to feel shame in this world. You can just follow your feelings and preferences to have a very satisfying experience in this city. For instance, you can go and play some ball games with your best friends. The most exciting thing is to get drunk in the bar and forget about everything else. But at the end of the day, you are the only person that can be counted on. So you should never lose the vision of your life. Things can be mysterious and unpredictable, but with a perspective of greater comprehension toward life in this world, you will have better control of your life. And you will know how to honor your intuition when it comes to choosing what kind of friend you should have and what kind of relationship you should build with your newly met girlfriend. As a cold-blooded killer with no moral standard, there is no clear guidance for you, but you must trust all of your insights, hunches, and inspirations out of nowhere because they are all messages from your true self. You should always accept every impulsive insight to better deal with those gangsters who are more powerful than you. This world is really fun. You will never get bored with this game. There are so many fun and exciting missions for you to carry out. The music is wonderful. The graphics are authentic. And this is the perfect game for you to explore the deepest desires of human beings. You will notice that some human beings put themselves in a dire situation because of their greedy nature and some characters get hurt because they are so selfish from the beginning. But all these experiences will motivate you to think about the meaning of your own experiences and how these experiences come into being in the first place, and what these experiences may represent. And what kind of role you are playing while you are carrying out these missions? The biggest benefit of reflecting on these experiences and the meanings behind these experiences is to conquer your fear and your sense of insecurity. In real life, you may refuse to look consciously at your inner issues. While you are playing as a cold-blooded killer, to some degree, you will directly face your deeply buried fear and insecurity. Maybe in real life, you have this inability to accept the terrible things that may bring to you by some beloved ones and you may have problems dealing with unpleasantness. This game can help you reflect on your problems of distrust and insecurity. So this whole game is not purely about using brutal force to kill some enemies. This is the game that helps you to understand the limitations of external power that you constantly aspire to have. Besides, this game also encourages you to gain the authentic power that comes from within. And this is a game for you to explore the different parts of your inner world and of your real life. It is not about eliminating evil within yourself. It is about embracing your weaknesses and your vulnerabilities. By playing this game, you will clearly understand the importance of letting light and wisdom come into your inner world. As soon as the light comes into your heart, you will truly understand humanity, and subsequently, all the darkness and evil will automatically disappear!

Disclaimers. The mobile game and app download address is from the official app marketplace of iOS App Store and Google Play. It has been checked for security and does not contain viruses or malware.


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